Kanye’s stage crasher explains how he got past security
This is a great example of a social engineering penetration and a valuable lesson: Remember – “The human element is the greatest asset…and the weakest link.”
This is a great example of a social engineering penetration and a valuable lesson: Remember – “The human element is the greatest asset…and the weakest link.”
In the aftermath of the church shooting in Charleston, religious organizations across the country are looking for ways to protect their parishioners. Unfortunately, deadly shootings and other violent crimes have disproportionately increased for churches and other religious establishments, driving the leaders to increase their preparedness for the unthinkable. Thankfully, the thought of “It won’t happen to us” has begun to shrink in their minds, and reality and statistics have begun to influence their decisions.
Below are some of the most critical aspects of protecting religious figures.
Last week, I polled several online groups for their requests on what type of post they would like to see. Based on the responses, the most frequent was ‘working details in a solo capacity.’ Below are some important considerations that will dramatically increase your ability in providing smooth, unobtrusive and effective protective services while working alone.
We have compiled a list of ASIS CPP reference and study materials for those interested in the Certified Protection Professional board certification from the American Society for Industrial Security.
Career opportunities in GA, AZ, NY, NJ, CA, PA, TX, Chicago, Seattle, Wash DC and more.
7 Day EP Program – Miami 11/2-8/5 3 Day EP – Vegas & NY Sept/Oct
Security Consulting – Vegas & NY Sept/Oct TSCM / Bug Sweeps – Raleigh 8/20-22/15
This post is unrestricted – New job postings are typically restricted to Alumni for the first week in order to grant them early access to the listings – Some posts may be removed if applied to by an Alumni.
The weapons of choice in the majority of assaults – both domestic and ‘on-the-street’ include lock knives, sheaf knives and kitchen knives.
Stab wounds are incised wounds where the length of injury on the surface is less than the depth of penetration into the body, and are the result of a thrusting action, where the force is delivered along the long axis of a narrow, pointed object. The force of impact is concentrated at the tip of the implement, and the sharper the tip, the easier it will penetrate the skin.
By the numbers, men prefer to shoot, women prefer to poison, however the close #2 for both is knives.
In this review, we will discuss the Sygic GPS Navigation App which has incredibly detailed worldwide maps, live updates including speed cameras, accidents and traffic as well as a HUD and cockpit features. (And it is currently 70% off)
IMO, one of the best forms of training is what we do off of the range – weapons manipulation drills and especially dry fire drills. However, I am always hesitant to perform these drills due to the inherent risk of a safety issue or worse, a negligent discharge. I am confident in my safety procedures and capabilities when handling a firearm, however there is always the possibility.
Career opportunities in NY, NJ, CA, Miami, TX, Chicago, Las Vegas, Wash DC, Denver and more.
7 Day EP Program – Miami 11/2-8/5 3 Day EP – Vegas & NY Sept/Oct
Security Consulting – Vegas & NY Sept/Oct TSCM / Bug Sweeps – Raleigh 8/20-22/15
This post is now unrestricted – New job postings are typically restricted to Alumni for the first week in order to grant them early access to the listings – Some posts may be removed if applied to by an Alumni.