Active Shooter Preparedness – Optimize Your Options to Optimize Your Survival

Active Shooter Preparedness – Optimize Your Options to Optimize Your Survival

“Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.” – Mark Twain

The most important component of effectively preparing for an Active Shooter scenario is developing logical options to an illogical problem; there is no one right answer and many options are required as the circumstances are never the same. As with any solution to a variable problem, a cookie cutter response is not going to be ideal and while the ‘devil is in the details,’ the ‘angel is in the concept.’

There is a singular constant among those who evacuated an active shooter scenario…

They survived.

Workplace Violence Awareness & Prevention – The Circuit

Workplace Violence Awareness & Prevention – The Circuit

Workplace violence has quickly become a growing concern for employees across America with good reason given the recent incidents and published statistics. As many as two million workers report having experienced workplace violence each year according to BLS within their Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries; of the 4547 fatal workplace injuries reported in 2010, 506 of them were workplace homicides.

A Guide to PMC Contracting

A Guide to PMC Contracting

There seems to be one question asked repeatedly in many of the social media groups that never is answered to the satisfaction of those seeking the information, “How do I find, get and keep overseas contract work with a PMC?” Additionally, many articles written on the subject seem to be more ‘fluff’ than any real information and written by those who do not have any clue as to how to find, get and keep overseas contracts. The purpose of this article is to provide meaningful and effective guidance with the aim of satisfying that request for information, similar to the Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services article.

Below, I have reached out to many who have both direct and current experience with contracting overseas who have been generous enough to offer their time to provide much needed insight and guidance on the subject, covering How to Find Open Contracts, How to Find and Connect with Recruiters, Steps to Ensure Application Compliance, Successful Training Tips, Successful Deployment Tips and Coming Back Home/Maintaining Readiness.

Behavior Analysis – “What evil shows before they go”

Behavior Analysis – “What evil shows before they go”

by Craig Biswell

In my world we watch, monitor, report and resolve behaviors. In the PPO world we must move and communicate and be observant, thus keeping our principal safe. People with bad intentions will do everything available to succeed in their mission of destruction. Our job is to be proactive and vigilant to that threat. Much like a football team’s defense must be vigilant of the offenses’ attack on them. To mitigate or eliminate that threat is paramount. This follows your primary goal of moving and protecting your principal.

39 Executive Protection, Bodyguard, Security Driver, Security Consultant & Security Management Positions

39 Executive Protection, Bodyguard, Security Driver, Security Consultant & Security Management Positions

39 New openings in CA, OR, WA, TX, NY, FL, PA, GA, AR, MD, Wash DC and more.

An excerpt from one of the positions below:
“-A graduate of a reputable executive protection training school
-Ability to work autonomous, domestic and international
-Have an operational understanding of today’s technology across all platforms
-Advanced medical and evasive driving experience
-Proficient in Protective Intelligence”

Our 7 Day Executive Protection Training Program provides certification in Executive Protection, Medical Response and Defensive & Evasive Driving and in our training we focus on autonomous operation with minimal support, protective intelligence and proactive thinking with leveraging technology as much as possible. See for yourself that our training program is the most realistic, relevant and valuable training available.

This post is unrestricted – New job postings are typically restricted to Alumni for the first week in order to grant them early access to the listings – Some posts may be removed if applied to by an Alumni.

Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services

Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services

As a training provider, we are proud to benchmark the term ‘post-graduate support.’ We take pride in this as it not only sets us apart from the pack, but also provides a significant advantage to our graduates and their feedback is astounding which is what drives us to provide the best, most valuable, practical training and practical follow-on support that we can.

Perhaps one of the most common areas we provide this support in is contracting and subcontracting security services. More specifically, how to do so including methods of advertising, networking, obtaining contracts and how to subcontract those services to the larger firms. Below are some tips and tactics that not only have I found to be successful but our graduates have provided excellent feedback on as well. 

How to Break Auto Glass

Breaking auto glass is one of those skills not best confirmed (or learned) during an emergency. In most cases, there’s not enough time to learn by trial and error and eventually get it right. Below are some useful tips on how to break auto glass in an emergency.