
New Employment Opportunities – Bodyguard Careers

We maintain relationships with employers across the country in order to place our graduates as effectively as we can. We also offer resume’ writing assistance and application guidance, as most of our efforts go to assisting our graduates and placing them. See our Training Schedule and Registration Page for courses offered nationwide.
Global Security Protective Services Representative
Hunt Consolidated – Dallas, TX
Global Security Operations Representative
Hunt Consolidated – Dallas, TX
Dignity Health – San Francisco, CA
Executive Protection Investigations Agent (Part-time)
Pinkerton – California
Executive Protection Driver (Part-Time)
Pinkerton – San Francisco Bay Area, CA
RED Team Security Specialist
Visa – Ashburn, VA
Physical Security Subject Matter Expert
Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation – Atlanta, GA
Global Security Operations Center Operator
City San Jose

Personal Protection Specialist Jobs – Executive Protection Jobs

Resume’ writing assistance, application guidance and anything else we can do is offered to our graduates – send inquiries to info@lasorsa.com

3 certificates for the cost of 1 – Executive Protection, First Responder, Security Driving


Dignity Health – San Francisco, CA



Protective Services Project Manager
Security Industry Specialists, Inc. – Seattle, WA


Mitigating International Travel Risk for Executives

From Security Management


ASIS Webcast Thursday December 4, 2014 @ 2:PM EST

Emergencies will occur at any time and in any place arising from specific local issues or common risks. When they happen during international trips executives often find themselves struggling with basic needs easily secured back home; identification, medication and medical care, emergency funds, reliable communication and essential information. Delays or failures in finding contingencies can compromise the trip or endanger the traveler.

Mitigating travel risk relies on fundamental awareness of hazards common and specific, advance identification of solutions and contingencies, and the timely review and update of both. Modest preparation and adherence to best practices minimizes or eliminates some of the most common issues that jeopardize travel objectives.
This presentation will address:
  • The perception of what places are ‘safe’ vs. ‘not safe’ and the importance of using trusted sources to identify international business travel risks.
  • The more common business travel incidents and what employer and employees should do to prepare for international business travel, no matter the location.
  • Common medical misconceptions international business travelers should be aware of.
  • What employees should do if they experience an emergency abroad.


New Executive Protection Jobs – Private Investigator Jobs

Research our courses HERE and see why our training is the best value and the most comprehensive training available – 3 certificates for the price of one – expand your resume’ and marketability to get the job you want – you will also get the most employment assistance and application guidance – MORE INFO HERE

Training Schedule & Registration Page

Executive Protection
AIG – New York, NY

Red Five Protection Services – San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Executive Protection Investigations Agent (Part-time)
Pinkerton – California

Surveillance Investigator
Veracity Research – Minneapolis, MN

Executive Protection Driver (Part-Time)
Pinkerton – San Francisco Bay Area, CA

PSS/Firearms Instructor (PSS/FI)
Aegis – Arlington, VA

Private Investigator
Impellam North America – New York

Surveillance Investigator
OnSite Investigations LLC – Tucson, AZ

Surveillance Investigator
GlobalOptions – Baton Rouge, LA

Security Investigator Specialist
The Aerospace Corporation – El Segundo, CA

Defensive & Evasive Driving Course – Slalom Cone #3

Video recording is a phenomenal instructional tool which enables students to observe their performance from your point of view. In this case, the student was using the brakes at the wrong time and was having a hard time getting over it until he witnessed the video (notice the brake lights around cone #3)

Can Yacht Security be Compromised?

A reader of one of my Yacht Security blogs posed the question: What is to stop the intruder of the mega-yacht from sinking it to gain access to the who is in the safe room?

Yacht Security is no different than any other security venue.

The same issues of asset protection are the same in most applications. The risks and exposures and the countermeasures applied to mitigate the risks and exposures may change due to environment, geographic and the budget available.

Any target can be compromised if the attacker has sufficient reason/motive and resources to apply to the mission.

What is to stop a militant group from deploying a nuclear device in one of our cities? What is to stop a mentally ill individual or a member of a subversive group from bombing an office building, school, airport, etc.? We can go on and on with ‘what if’s’.

The bottom line is security countermeasures primarily mitigate most risks and exposures facing a particular venue or site. A site can be built up with security countermeasures to a Fort Knox level and, the measures can potentially compromised.

Security Systems Integration which enhanced security countermeasures need to be augmented with highly trained security personnel, trained to detect, identify, escalate and possibly intervene to prevent loss to life and property.

The Risk Mitigation Process begins with the conduct of a Security Assessment, covering, but not limited to, the following areas:

  1.  Physical Security Operations & existing Policies
  2.  Guards/manpower/scheduling
  3.  Crime Statistics Analysis
  4.  Perimeter Security
  5.  Security Systems Integration
    • Intrusion Detection
    • CCTV
    • Access Control

Additional areas which can be addressed:

  • IT Infrastructure & Protocols
  • Financial Operations
  • Applicant Screening and Background Investigation Procedures
  • Workplace Violence Training and Intervention

Hope this helps answer the question the reader posed.

Questions about this article and or General Security issues can be addressed to the author:
Joseph A. LaSorsa, CPP
Email: info@lasorsa.com
Website: www.lasorsa.com

NEWTOWN, CT – SCHOOL VIOLENCE. What is our problem?

By: Joseph A. LaSorsa, CPP
Security Expert and Consultant

school violence

This tragedy is one of the hardest of all of the past incidents to deal with because of who it affected and how it affected them. We should keep in mind, however, this is not one of the traditional school violence incidents. This perpetrator was an individual who was an unknown to the school administration and an outsider. There’s a clear common element in most mass shootings – the perpetrator was mentally ill or completely went off the deep end when committing this heinous act and the perpetrator was focused on Targeted Violence and intent on inflicting mass harm in the effort.

In the Newtown incident, it seems the shooter’s mental condition deteriorated rapidly and/or too quickly to be noticed and to have had any positive intervention.

What can we do?

  • Should school districts conduct Security Audits and Assessments to evaluate their current security policies, protocols and security systems? Of course.
  • Should security policy dictate more stringent access control measures be put in place? Absolutely.
  • Should the school administrators request to have their physical security systems upgraded? Of course.
  • Should school security policy dictate the use of security guards on their premises during and after school hours? Yes.

Individuals and media pose and throw out questions like: should schools have metal detectors? Should they employ armed guards? How much security is enough? These are questions and issues which can be considered by consultants and administrators on a case by case basis, however, the answer is not in militarizing our society and it’s institutions. We need to enhance security countermeasures across the board and understand the main cause of the problem we are facing in our society today, which is the lack of institutionalization and proper treatment of the severely mentally ill.

Let’s step back and consider a fact. Very few of us know of anyone or their relative or friend that is institutionalized. The asylums don’t exist in the numbers they existed years ago. Because of the current mental treatment trends, the mentally ill and criminally insane live among us and in our neighborhoods. We have had mall, movie theatre and school mass shootings. We have to ask ourselves: why are these individuals killing people? What is/was the root cause of their actions?

In addition to the above, the government and society watchdogs should monitor and control the sale of violent video games kids are allowed to watch instead of healthy diversions like sports and homework.

Erosion of traditional family values; doing away with God and Faith; society and the media sponsoring and selling violent video games; lack of institutionalization of the criminally insane – all combine to give us a lethal, explosive combination of nasty, violent ingredients!

Do we need to implement additional and stricter policies and procedures for the acquisition of assault weapons? Yes.
Do we need to be more security aware and vigilant? Yes.

Guns, like alcohol during Prohibition and illegal drugs today – will still be available to the criminals and those who are willing to pay the black market prices. A total ban will just insure that the only people possessing assault rifles will be the military, Law Enforcement and of course, criminals!!!

In order for our society to realize any serious positive outcomes of any gun control legislation or enhanced security measures across the board, we will also at the same time need to address the very serious issue of the limited number of mental institutions available capable of incarceration of the severely mentally ill and the criminally insane and society’s attitudes toward the treatment of the severely mentally ill.

These combined efforts are the countermeasures we can reasonably implement and hopefully, will be adequate enough to prevent or limit the type of disasters and massacres which have been occurring all too frequently.

Note: Questions about this article and or School Security issues can be addressed to the author: Joseph A. LaSorsa, CPP
Email: info@lasorsa.com
Website: www.lasorsa.com