
Joe LaSorsa

How much is a CEO’s time worth?

How much is a CEO’s time worth?

One of the benefits of training with a professional provider is like-minded professionals will be in attendance, augmenting the value of the course through networking opportunities and a professional learning environment. As this is the case, recently in one of our training courses in Las Vegas a great question by a student, Victor Berber, was brought up concerning CEO time as it relates to their pay – how much is their time worth?

International Travel Risk Matrix

International Travel Risk Matrix

The OSAC Risk Matrix is designed to allow private-sector security professionals to take a holistic approach to risk analysis by assessing different dimensions of a given risk – and to do so in a way that is the most relevant to their organization and its interests.

Residential Security Agent  – Executive Protection – Full time – North Carolina

Residential Security Agent – Executive Protection – Full time – North Carolina


Job Title: Residential Security Agent – Executive Protection – Full time – North Carolina

LaSorsa & Associates is pre-screening candidates for full time Residential Security Agents for a client in the Charlotte, NC area who will ensure the safety, security and reputation integrity of the client, client’s family, other designated individuals and company assets.

Protective Services Advisor – Full Time – Asheville, North Carolina

Protective Services Advisor – Full Time – Asheville, North Carolina


Job Title: Protective Services Advisor – Executive Protection – Full time – North Carolina

LaSorsa & Associates is pre-screening candidates for a full time Protective Services Advisor position for a client in the Asheville, NC area who will ensure the safety, security and reputation integrity of the client, client’s family, other designated individuals and company assets.

Staying Charged on the Road

Staying Charged on the Road

By Art Dorst 

Many of us for better or worse, live or die by our skill level to effectively operate the features of our smartphones. Having grown up in the 60’s and 70’s when the concept of something like a smartphone was truly science fiction, I still marvel at the things that can be done with the small handheld device we all utilize. As the saying goes if you’re in a jam call a lawyer and he/she shows up with a flip phone pray for a file in a cake.

Executive Protection Training Review

Executive Protection Training Review

From the AS Solution Blog: From the insurance industry to a career in executive protection – It’s all about customer service

Interviewer’s question: That sounds like a good start, but it’s all entry-level security jobs. How did you break into executive protection?

“I knew if I was going to advance my career and eventually obtain the kinds of opportunities that I wanted, I would have to go through a well-respected executive protection training course. I did my due diligence and read great reviews about Lasorsa and Associates’ Executive Protection Training Course taught by Joe Lasorsa, Jr. I did my first course there.