
Joe LaSorsa

What does it take to be an “Instructor?”

What does it take to be an “Instructor?”

‘Instructors’ in ep/cp (whatever you want to call it) is some what of a taboo conversation. But as a ‘trainer’ as I prefer to be called, I look for the following (in addition to many other qualities) and please keep in mind this is about a weekly interest so I have to deflect a lot of people interested in instructor positions.

1. Technically and tactically proficient.

This should be a no brainer – you have to know what you are doing. The difficult part is maintaining your proficiency. It takes a constant devotion to the craft. As my Sgt Instructor at OCS said, “Everybody wants to ‘say’ they are a Marine…but most won’t do what it takes be a Marine.”

2. Contemporary experience.

It simply does not matter how they did it 5, 10, 15+ years ago…you may be able to guest speak and share stories but if you are going to teach a topic you need to understand the modern dynamics of the job.

3. Teaching-ability.

Knowing what to do and teaching what to do are two very different things. I want to know you can teach. It is a very specific, rare skill. Experience alone does not make a good instructor. As Ivor Terret said it, “All good instructors are experienced, not all of the experienced are good instructors.”

4. Passion.

Last and most importantly, a strong passion for the job is incredibly important as anything less is insufficient IMO.

To be good at what you do, you need to know the basics really well, have experience applying them, and experienced having learned things the hard way. Also, you need to have experience teaching all while demonstrating that is is not just a job, but a hobby and part of who you are.

Some good links – while they may not seem to apply directly or be titled as such, give them a read and you will see the relevance:

5 Important Training Considerations

Tips for Selecting a Training Provider

Via Joe Autera

Via Dean Simko

Event Security 101: Tips & Techniques to Increase Security & Safety

Event Security 101: Tips & Techniques to Increase Security & Safety

Event security is an increasingly important aspect of events around the world. Whether your event is a small party, hosted by your principal at their residence or perhaps a rented venue, accurate assessments are vital to applying the most logical, appropriate and effective solution in order to reduce risk, increase security, safety and participation of the patrons for an even greater chance of a successful event. This article is meant to share some basic tips on event security planning.

Run-Flat Tires: What are they? How Much do they cost? Should I use them?

Run-Flat Tires: What are they? How Much do they cost? Should I use them?

What is a run flat tire?

A run-flat tire is either a pneumatic vehicle tire specifically designed to resist the negative effects of deflation when punctured or the term may also refer to a standard wheel and tire that has a run-flat device affixed, see ‘auxiliary-supported’ below. This enables the vehicle to continue to be driven (at reduced speeds, typically under 55 mph) for limited distances (up to 10 mi depending on the tire/device).

EP Industry Break In Guidance: Lessons Learned Through Experience

EP Industry Break In Guidance: Lessons Learned Through Experience

Breaking into the Executive Protection (EP) industry, putting in work or sometimes you’ve got to pay the bills.

After a successful career as a military member, police officer, and security professional I made a decision to walk away from my position as Assistant Director of Public Safety at a college to enter into the world of executive protection.  Doing EP work had long been a goal of mine and I felt that I was ready and able to make the move.

Protective Operations Training for Today’s World

Protective Operations Training for Today’s World

“Do I need training?” “How much does it cost?” “Who is the ‘best’ provider?” Etc. Etc.

These questions are and always will be rampant throughout the various social media groups as the desire to get into executive protection will always be there. In my opinion, it takes a distinct individual to be successful in protective services, so only the top tier of physical security professionals will survive the jump up to executive protection and there-in lies the problem: the desire is larger than the need. Much like a threat assessment, the fears almost always surpass the reality, (and they should), therefore a pragmatic decision must be made. To mitigate threats, the appropriate level of resources are applied, similarly an appropriate selection must be made regarding employment in this small, niche field.