Clean Glass For Safety and Security

As per one of my OCD fixes is clean glass on vehicles, I recently conducted an informal side-by-side test with two products, Rain-X and Adam’s Glass Sealant, to see which would perform better and last longer while also assessing ease of use.
I have been a long time user of Rain-X products, such as the original glass water repellants but also their wiper blades and glass cleaners. However, I became aware of Adam’s Glass Sealant from someone I trained with last year (Nate Braden) and as I am always looking to challenge my gear/tactics with new ideas, I quickly ordered some and gave it a try.
Instantly, I found the product to be harder to apply then Rain-X and was slightly turned off, but once I got it applied as instructed, the splashed the windows and was duly impressed. I then soiled them, let it dry, and then watched as it sprayed right off with a hose and dried clean. As per the initial performance, my interest was peaked so I also applied a fresh coat of Rain-X to another vehicle and marked time for a side by side test.
Vehicle Security Tips: How to Stay Off the ‘X’
My satisfaction with the Adam’s Glass Sealant continued for about a month, …yes a whole month. On about the 5th week, performance deteriorated slightly but continued to be effective until about 6+ weeks. Rain-X performed satisfactorily for about 7-10 days before I was anxious to apply again.
As per the informal test, Rain-X is a great product for those who are looking for an easy to apply glass water repellant, and I continue to travel with the small bottle for use on rental cars, etc. The Adam’s Glass Sealant offers superior performance and lasts longer, but takes a dedicated application process to achieve those results, so I use it on dedicated vehicles.
Thanks for reading, I hope this helps! Stay gray. – JML
Joseph M. LaSorsa, CPP® is a senior partner managing and conducting: Protective Operations Training Courses, Executive Protection & Bodyguard Services, Risk Management Consultations & Seminars, Workplace Violence Prevention Seminars & Intervention Services, Security Consultations & Seminars, Private Investigations and Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures with LaSorsa & Associates – an International Protection, Investigations & Consulting Firm.