IPAK – Individual Protective Agent’s Kit

The Individual Protective Agent’s Kit and Ankle-IPAK with a hemostatic bleeding control dressing & SWAT-T® multi-function trauma device is designed to assist in controlling massive hemorrhaging at the point of wounding to bridge the gap until advanced care can be provided. Designed with consideration of the average task, threat and environment of executive, VIP & celebrity protection agents, this compact and durable kit allows protective operations specialists to keep an immediately accessible trauma kit on their person where it is needed most without the tactical look or excessive size of a full kit.
The IPAK includes a safe, effective and easy to use bleeding control dressing with a hemostatic agent used to help control bleeding in puncture wounds, lacerations and other traumatic injuries in conjunction with direct pressure. The kit also includes a portable, multi-purpose tourniquet and pressure bandage (SWAT-T®) to control extremity exsanguination. The CPR face shield and gloves provide barriers to protect yourself while performing rescue breaths, and the bandaids and antiseptic wipes are useful in many additional ways for day to day occurrences. The covert case is made from ballistic material for durability, with a rapid Velcro enclosure for one-handed access and a rugged flex clip which ensures simple yet confident attachment to waistbands, belts, or straps up to 2″ in width. The Ankle-IPAK adds a compact Hyfin chest seal and comes in a discreet ankle rig made by Rescue Essentials.
Read more about AFAK options here: https://www.lasorsa.com/2019/03/05/afak-options/
IPAK Kit Contents:
1 x Covert Case with Belt Clip
1 x Nitrile Exam Gloves (1 pr. Latex Free)
1 x SWAT-T® (Stretch, Wrap and Tuck Tourniquet)
1 x Celox Bleeding Control Dressing
1 x CPR Face Shield
2 x Antiseptic Wipes
2 x BandAids
Ankle IPAK Kit Contents:
1 x Rescue Essentials Ankle Rig
1 x Nitrile Exam Gloves (1 pr. Latex Free)
1 x SWAT-T® (Stretch, Wrap and Tuck Tourniquet)
1 x Compact Hyfin Chest Seal
1 x Bleeding Control Dressing (Celox or QuikClot)
1 x CPR Face Shield
2 x Antiseptic Wipes
2 x BandAids
*Includes shipping (*In CONUS sales only*)
*Please include the model you are ordering and your address in the Notes section when you complete the PayPal payment.
*Note: any purchase herein consents to full agreement of the Warranty and Terms of Use Agreement.
Below: IPAK in casual dress.
FAQ: -Why the SWAT-T instead of a CAT? RATS? Needle Decompression? NPA? Etc.
The kit is purposed for personal carry (on-body carry) and designed as such it must be minimized, therefore it only satisfies immediate point of wounding care for the most time sensitive of traumatic injuries – severe hemorrhaging. This kit is not intended to be used as a stand alone kit, but rather to augment a full kit in the vehicle or otherwise close by but not in immediate reach. For example, we do carry 2 x CATs, NPAs, thoracic gear, etc. in our main kit. For our kit,the SWAT-T was selected due to portability and utility; the Stretch Wrap and Tuck Tourniquet can be used as a pressure bandage, splint aid, tourniquet as well as many more uses and it is easier to carry in a small kit. The SWAT-T is a viable tourniquet if you research the findings and I suggest you read the Winter 2015, Journal of Special Operations Medicine, ‘SWAT-T vs. CAT/SOFT-W/RMT’ All tourniquet applications reached occlusion, but 10 applications lost occlusion, 0 SWAT-T applications lost occlusion. Additionally, the SWAT-T out performed the RMT-Pediatric, even on the smaller limbs.
“All four designs can be effective on distal limb segments, the SWAT-T doing so with the lowest pressures and least pressure losses over time.”
Additionally, consider the overwhelming majority of attacks on protected individuals in low profile protective scenarios did not warrant the use of a CAT type tourniquet, but could have instead used a pressure bandage or other type of device. CoTCCC guidelines are outstanding for what they are designed for – Combat operations with military aged males. But as you can see from our website, we are not engaged in combat operations, nor are we only dealing with military aged males. The CAT is not ideal for as wide of range of uses or patients. The RATS is not as proven and even deviates from accepted standards, namely compression width, for our comfort to be included in such a kit. I hope this makes sense, and certainly not intended to say you are wrong if you decide otherwise, but rather this is to demonstrate out justification of the selection based on our task and environment.
SWAT Tourniquet Military Application
Donate a Trauma Kit for LEO or K-9
*Includes shipping (*In CONUS sales only*)
*Please include the model you are ordering and your address in the Notes section when you complete the PayPal payment.
*Note: any purchase herein consents to full agreement of the Warranty and Terms of Use Agreement.